Most people associate the use of ultrasound waves with diagnostic imaging, but at the right frequency and when used by a professional, they can deliver penetrating heat to relieve pain associated with muscle spasms and joint contractures, including those associated with  adhesive capsulitis. This therapy also addresses some forms of bursitis, myositis, soft tissue injuries, and shortening of tendons caused by scar tissue or old injuries. 

In order to administer ultrasound therapy, the practitioner needs an ultrasound unit, a place to safely put it, and a table where the patient can sit comfortably while undergoing treatment. Here are suggestions for a cart and a unit designed by Mettler Electronics, and a table designed by Oakworks, all available from Rehabmart.



For a safe, stable, yet portable place to put the ultrasound unit, the Three Shelf Mobile Ultrasound Cart is a durable, economical alternative to other carts, that assembles without tools and is easily cleaned with a mild spray cleaner and soft cloth. It is specifically designed to hold the Sonicator or one of the other therapeutic units by Mettler Electronics, and their accessories.

With a choice of one or three MHz of therapeutic ultrasound and four channels of electrical stimulation, the Sonicator 940 Plus Combination Therapy Unit can be used to relieve pain in the joints, feet, legs, arms, hands, head, and back using ultrasound or electrical stimulation alone, or in a combination. It has two modes, either continuous wave or pulse in choices ranging from 5% to 50% duty cycles lasting between .5 and 5 milliseconds at 100Hz .  A touchscreen interface allows easy setting of treatment parameters and highlights quick adjustment capability in real time without having to stop the treatment if the patient experiences discomfort. Maximum output varies according to the applicator and mode. 



The Sonicator 940 Plus comes standard with 61 preset programs and eight waveforms as well as space for the practitioner to program custom protocols. It features a two-year warranty on the unit and one year on the cable and applicator with extensions available at the time of purchase. Additional applicators and a tote bag for the unit are available separately. The Sonicator 940 Plus is intended for sale to licensed practitioners, and non-practitioners must have a prescription. 

When versatility is needed, the Oakworks Multi Specialty Ultrasound Table provides a safe, sturdy and comfortable place for the patient to sit for either ultrasound therapy or for diagnostic ultrasound imaging. Dual columns provide rigidity and strength and raise and lower the table between 22 and 38 inches in height to allow for easy transfers, supporting up to 600 pounds, making it suitable for bariatric patients.  The three function foot control adjusts the table’s three sections to comfortably support patients in a variety of positions for both treatment and imaging. 



This specialty table can expand from 72 to 84 inches with an optional extender in length to accommodate patients in a wide variety of heights. Its ergonomically advanced design allows ease of use by practitioners, letting them and the unit be in close contact with the patient without having to strain or risk repetitive injuries. 21 upholstery colors and three inches of padding make it comfortable and attractive. This table has been FDA listed, approved by ETL, and CE marked. Customizable options include side rails, detachable arm boards, T-rail adaptors and a Quick Lock head rest and pad.

The Sonicator 940 Plus, its cart, and the Multi Specialty Table are all suitable for use in medical offices, rehab centers, physical therapy centers, pain clinics, and hospitals, allowing patients living with pain associated with musculoskeletal issues to undergo treatment comfortably and safely, leading to happier, more productive lives.  


Fran Jablway,
Senior Medical Consumer Writer
Hulet Smith, OT
Rehabmart Team Leader & CEO