A Shower Chair is Good Clean Fun

A shower chair is not a chair that hates taking a bath.  A shower chair is not a chair which is used outside to sit in while it is raining.  A shower chair is not the chair a pregnant woman sits in while attending her baby shower. 

A shower chair is a chair which is not damaged by water, sometimes on wheels, mostly used by post-surgical patients, the elderly, or people who are disabled, as an aid in assisting people in bathing and showering.  Many shower chairs also come with a commode function which allows the patient to use the toilet without having the bother and danger of transferring onto the toilet.

To be able to take a shower, to get clean, to feel civilized, is a boost to the mental health of many people who are bed-ridden or wheelchair bound or who are weakened and fearful of slipping and falling in the shower.  Before the invention of the present shower chair, many people were just able to get a sponge bath or to have to sit in a heavy, unmoving rattan chair which is bulky and difficult to use for both the patient and the caregiver.

Shower chairs are now lightweight, sturdy, and can easily be moved and stored away.  Rehabmart offers many different types of Shower Chairs or Shower Commode Chairs and the following shower chairs are the newest arrivals in the Rehabmart store.

The Roll-InBuddy Shower Commode Chair is an ergonomic shower commode chair used in roll-in showers or for toileting.  It features all of the corrosion, mold resistant components standard to all Showerbuddy products and is lightweight, durable and easy to use. Its 300 pound weight capacity boasts one of the largest weight capacities on standard shower chairs in the industry.  It features 5 inch locking castors which roll over most standard and elongated toilets.  It also comes with an adjustable neck rest, removable or foldaway arms, a footrest, and lap and chest belts. 
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The Roll-InBuddy Heavy Duty Shower Commode Chair model features all of the same corrosion resistant and safety functions as the Roll-inBuddy but is height adjustable to fit taller and heavier patients with a 330 pound weight capacity.  This chair is ideal in commercial situations such as nursing and board and care facilities. It is capable of rolling over ADA approved toilets. 

Another new shower chair offered by Rehabmart is the Versa Shower Commode Chair Chair which is a multi-functional, light-weight chair that can be used as a roll-in shower chair, a bedside commode, or over-the toilet commode. 
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 This lightweight aluminum constructed chair has height adjustments to fit over most toilets and tubs, a width adjustable removable bridge, flip-up armrests, swing away footrests, is latex and silicone free and can accommodate up to 250 pounds.  The Versa Shower Commode Chair also includes a commode pail, locking casters and footrests, and because it reduces the need for multiple pieces of equipment, it is great for independent use or with assistance.

So don't be caught high and dry this hot and sweltering summer, a nice cleansing shower or a relaxing bath is waiting just for you.  Go ahead and use a shower commode chair to enjoy the shower or tub, get soapy clean, feel good, while at the same time being able to relieve the anxiety of venturing into the hazards of the bathroom.  A shower commode chair can be one of the best and most frequently used items in your home or facility for one of the most basic needs of all.  A person using a shower commode chair is a person with choices, and really, isn't that what most people live for, a choice for a better life?

Bill Stock
Library Editor for Rehabmart
Hulet Smith, OT
Rehabmart Team Leader & CEO