DIA Naturebright Light Therapy

The Winter months are on their way which means shorter days, longer nights and for some people, especially those living in northern climates, the emergence of depressive symptoms, or SAD.  SAD is the abbreviation for Seasonal Affective Disorder which is a mood disorder that is commonly known as "winter blues." People who are afflicted with SAD often have normal health throughout most of the year but may experience symptoms such as a lack of energy, depression and mood swings with the onset of winter.

SAD was first recognized and named in the early 1980's by doctors at the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH).  Although skeptics initially doubted their ideas, Seasonal Affective Disorder has become a widely recognized condition.  One of the most effective therapies proven to help alleviate Seasonal Affective Disorder is bright or "full spectrum" light therapy.

The DIA Naturebright Light Therapy light offered by Rehabmart , is designed to provide timed, intense doses of white light to treat Seasonal Affective Disorder and meets the stringent bright light therapy guidelines set by leading experts.  Bright light therapy is recommended as a first line of treatment for the 'winter blues' and can also help improve sleep patterns, jet lag and shift work adjustment usually with only a daily 20-30 minute treatment.

While the early bright light therapy products were bulky and somewhat cumbersome to use, the DIA Naturebright Day-Light Sky model is contemporary, smaller and more discreet for home or office.  The Day-Light Sky light features adjustable heights that can be used for therapeutic use or for everyday task lighting which adds versatility and function for the user.  The two-light setting provides the 10,000 LUX recommended by experts for maximum therapeutic benefit, while the one-light setting provides a comfortable, convenient task lighting.

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Although the DIA Naturebright light provides the intense bright light recommended by experts, you can rest assured it is glare-free and safe. It features a hi-impact polycarbonate lens which filters 99.3% of harmful UV rays. The white diffusing lens eliminates glare and evenly distributes the light. Two 55-watt light tubes emit a warm light and minimize potentially harmful blue rays.

Winter can be hard enough to face with its harsh weather and seemingly endless gray skies, but it can be a time of real pain for those afflicted with SAD. The DIA Naturebright Therapy light can provide healing relief and a much-needed energy boost for Seasonal Affective Disorder sufferers and also help them face the harsh challenges presented by the long, cold, gray months of winter.

To view this and other similar products, go to Light Therapy.
Rachel Huber, Medical Consumer Writer
Hulet Smith, OT
RehabMart Team Leader & CEO