
Rehabmart is very proud to show how people can do special things with the help and love of others with a new website,

Inspire by is a site of videos showing people doing wonderful work with wonderful people by wonderful people.  To some, these videos show how “handicapped” people can experience life differently, but that would be erroneous thinking.  These videos demonstrate how people of all backgrounds can bring happiness to each other.  It isn’t just one person helping another person; this inspirational idea is more symbiotic in nature.  These videos show how love is shared and exchanged between everybody, big and small, young and old, black and white, male and female.  The ‘helper’ is quite often the person who learns the most about being helped.  Each person in these videos is becoming a better human through these compassionate interactions with other humans. is branching out to assist others in finding love in helping others.  Working closely with ESP (Extra Special People), Rehabmart is producing videos to help raise awareness and funds for a new Children’s Service Center for this nonprofit organization that serves special needs children in and around Athens, Georgia.  The new building will serve hundreds or even thousands of underprivileged children with developmental delays, handicaps and children who are 'Uniquely Able’d'.  As a nonprofit organization, ESP is looking for sponsors to help “Plant The Flag” in their front yards and help to contribute to the fundraising campaign for the new facility.  Rehabmart proudly supports the efforts of ESP through sponsorship and the production of videos that help promote this great effort and offer awareness about other wonderful programs such as the after-school programs and summer camps where meaningful engagement occurs among special people helping other special people living in the greater Athens, Georgia area.

Besides the two videos that Rehabmart has produced for ESP, the Inspire website also shows other videos of incredible people doing incredible things.  Always looking for inspirational videos, wants to be a site for people to come and see the wonderment of humanity.  As time goes on we will be producing more videos and finding other videos to show the world the tremendous good in people.  To facilitate the shining light that rests within the wellspring of the everyday person.  We hope to show, through videos, that helping others is easy and well rewarded with reciprocal love and positive emotions.  Rehabmart would like to inspire people, to help someone smile and feel good and to maybe take that feeling and help inspire someone else and that person will help inspire someone else, and someone else, and someone else…

Love is the most important commodity on the planet. If we at Rehabmart can do our part in spreading the seeds of love and compassion then we have helped the world to be a little better place.  And the best idea to remember is that everybody, any one person, can do the same thing at any time.  Sometimes all a person needs is to be inspired.

Once you watch these videos, please pass them on through Facebook or some other social media way to help others to be inspired.  Help us bring love to everyone, inspiring one person at a time.


Bill Stock
Executive Editor,
Content & Social Media Services
Hulet Smith, OT
Rehabmart Team Leader & CEO