Spring will soon be sprung and before you know it, so will the allergy season. Why bring up allergies when speaking of the most glorious season with all its splendor and beauty? Because, for the allergy and asthma sufferer, spring can be the unhappiest of all seasons with its onslaught of molds, spores, pollen, dust and whatever spring chooses to unleash on the allergy-sensitive. Imagine what it would be like to no longer dread the most delightful season of the year and enjoy it like everyone else. Well imagine no more, relief is in sight!

Rehabmart offers relief in the form of an air purifier, but not just any air purifier, this is the Allergy Machine you've been waiting for.  This machine has been designed specifically for allergy and asthma sufferers. How many purifiers can you say that about? 

  From library.rehabmart.com

The Allergy Machine Air Purifier HM 405 is the only air purifier on the market to feature the HEGA filtration. This High Efficiency Gas Absorption filtration system removes contaminants from the air before they have a chance to activate an allergic or asthmatic reaction.  In other words, this is the machine that actually does what all the others claim to do, and wish they could do: offer true relief for the allergy and/or asthma sufferer.

How many air purifiers are purchased and stored in the attic or basement soon after with disappointment? The immediate relief gained by using the Allergy Machine Air Purifier HM 405 will make all those useless machines just a bad memory. And the energy you will soon enjoy could be used to clean out those storage spaces just in time to put on a spring garage sale. Spending time walking the dog or working in the garden, even playing outdoor games can be a part of your spring agenda, just like old times. With your home as your rejuvenation refuge, as it should be, the outdoors will no longer seem so menacing.

The Allergy Machine Air Purifier HM 405 also meets the HPA standards by trapping 99.97% of all particulates larger than 0.3 microns. Mother Nature would be hard pressed to slip most anything by this protector. Even gas and chemical vapors, odors and all dander will be filtrated, leaving you and your pets breathing easier with this machine on watch. Even better, sleeping would actually be for resting, no longer having to wake, turning from side to side to open clogged nasal passages, disturbing those most interesting dreams. Before you know it, your sinuses and lungs will again do what they were designed to do: keep your immune system in tip top working order to battle the elements of most any seasonal changes. Imagine that!

Worried this machine will not handle your particular home space? Worry no more. This machine is made for all living spaces, large or small. Its easy cleaning, heavy duty, lightweight, long lasting and well-designed system has been created to give you the least hassle for the most comfort you could hope for in an air purifier. So why wait until you are too miserable to think clearly, or unable to breathe well enough to make a good decision? Now is the time to think ahead and prepare for the allergy season to come. Let the Allergy Machine Air Purifier HM 405 protect and stand watch while you enjoy this spring like it was meant to be enjoyed. Full speed ahead! 

Lynette Bell
Medical Consumer Writer
Hulet Smith, OT
Rehabmart Team Leader & CEO