
The month of November’s most famous bird is the turkey and on Thanksgiving, many families gather around the cooked turkey meal to give thanks and appreciation for the goodness in their lives. At Rehabmart, we also give thanks and appreciation to our families and our customers.

Yet, there is another type of ‘bird’ now offered by Rehabmart that receives much appreciation from the many people who use this special ‘bird’…and not for eating!

The Tucane® Ergonomic Cane by ErgoActives is a new and revolutionary type of walking-aid for people who have suffered side effects from using standard canes for years. The Tucane® Ergonomic Cane is described as being so helpful that it is called “Your Third Hip”.

I personally have been using a cane to assist myself walking for the past10 months, and during that time I have experienced some side effects such as a tight or sore back on both sides that I use the cane with, and also my lower back. I have additionally felt pain in my shoulder, elbow and a numb hand from the daily use of my ‘normal’ cane.

The Tucane® Ergonomic Cane is not a normal walking cane, it works with a person as a ‘moving’ support cane, or like a ‘third hip’, unlike a normal cane, which is basically a solid, shimmed down board to be used as a leaning post.

The Tucane, unlike most other canes, seems to walk ‘with’ a person, adjusting with the gait of an individual, and to the ground surface. The “Your Third Hip” Tucane® will help provide support by mimicking the hip’s natural movement, unlike most static canes, while providing stability. The Tucane® literally moves with a unique combination design of a spring-loaded handle on top to a four-angle shoe cap on the bottom, along with a shock-reducing designed Nylon Fiber cane-neck in the middle.

When you walk, Tucane® will move forward with your leg while you advance, providing a structural motion similar to the hip.

Starting with the spring loaded automatic handle that is compressed when pushed down, the handle is then pushed back up as the user picks up the cane, giving a propelling motion that produces a feeling that the cane is walking with them. Combine this with an ergonomic handle design and soft rubber compound, and the ground’s impact vibrations are absorbed helping in reducing the impact on the different anatomical structures of the shoulder, elbow and hand while also helping to prevent inflammation of the joints.

The sleek, beautiful look of the Nylon Fiber cane-neck, or body of the cane, is designed to also reduce the impact and vibration against the ground, helping to avert bursitis of the elbow and shoulder while additionally preventing carpal tunnel syndrome of the wrist.

Lastly, where the rubber meets the road, literally, the four-angle rubber anti-slip material of the Tucane® cap will act like an ankle joint, automatically adjusting to the ground surface and to the user’s body movement, providing a more secure and safer walking experience.

The Tucane® Ergonomic Cane new ‘working’ design will help provide better support while also correcting the user’s posture, and provide better back support while helping to reduce back pain and wrist, elbow and shoulder ailments.

Using a Tucane® Ergonomic Cane by ErgoActives will help provide a better posture and gait to the user while enjoying support and security on a stroll, instead of just leaning on a piece of wood for support.

To view other types of walking canes, please go to this walking cane page.


Bill Stock
Executive Editor,
Content & Social Media Services
Hulet Smith, OT
Rehabmart Team Leader & CEO