Everybody knows that April showers bring May flowers, but did you know that April also brings a traveling IV pole, a vest that hugs, and a computer showing a human how to move?

As the season of spring brings new beginnings to the land, Rehabmart would like to bring health and well-being to those in need of physical assistance. This month’s highlighted product selections include the TravlPole IV Pole by TravlPole, the T.Jacket Compression Vest by T.Ware Pte Ltd, and the Q-ROM Computerized Range of Motion System by Ty Q Corporation.


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The TravlPole IV Pole is just what it sound like it is, an IV pole that can be easily packed up and taken on a trip in a plane or a car. Specially designed for travelers who require an IV pole for regular use, this durable, aluminum-constructed yet lightweight seven-pound IV pole can be taken anywhere in the world. Easily assembled for use, it can also be easily disassembled in less than three minutes and packed away into its sleek and attractive carrying case that will easily fit in a suitcase or duffle bag. When not being used in far and exotic places, the TravlPole IV Pole can function well in the home and can also be mounted on most wheelchairs. In order to accommodate the different sizes of users, this tough and durable USA-made IV pole is height adjustable and has a lifetime guarantee.


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Sometimes in the lives of all people, a hug is needed for comfort and calmness. Yet, for some people, a constant, deep touch pressure hug is needed more often and the T.Jacket Compression Vest offers hugs all day long. This wearable technology vest provides a customized deep touch pressure hug for people with Alzheimer's, dementia, autism spectrum disorder (ASD), sensory processing difficulties (SPD), post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), and for anyone else who may require the comfort and calm to help with their anxious and stressed lives. Using an adjustable air pressure compression technology that can automatically be controlled through an iPhone, iPad, table, or a Smartphone app, users can help relieve their own stress and anxiety by improving their attentiveness and ability to better cope with normal activity by offering themselves a self-induced compression hug.

While its appearance is similar to a typical ‘workout’ gray vest worn inside the home and out in public, the T.Jacket offers adjustable air pressure compression technology with built-in sensors designed to monitor the user’s activity and movement when he or she is running, walking, standing, sitting and rocking, all the time keeping track of the wearer’s arousal regulation. The T.Jacket will also keep track of the user’s progress during ‘on-seat behaviors’, helping the sensory seeking individuals to become calm and settle down quickly, improving their attentiveness during seated activities such as reading, writing, coloring and drawing.

The user can also control the duration, intensity and pressure patterns of the compression with a simple press of a button to choose the five levels of calming pressure while also allowing small adjustments to be made until the correct and comfortable amount of pressure is reached.



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A person’s range of motion (ROM) translates to the full movement potential of a body joint’s range of extension and flexion. Often when a person is injured or has a surgical procedure, their range of motion becomes limited, leading to a less than desired quality of life. In order to re-achieve the original optimal ROM, the affected individual must know the accurate distance needed, and the correct pathway and movement required to facilitate the desired effect. The Q-ROM Computerized Range of Motion System is a new diagnostic system designed to work accurately and quickly in measuring the patient’s spinal range of motion. Taking the educated guesswork and various tools out of the equation, physical therapists, chiropractors, and orthopedists can benefit greatly from using the Q-ROM Computerized ROM System.

Equipped with analysis software designed to provide user visualization, animation, voice prompts and an intuitive user interface, this ROM instrument helps patients to better understand and follow the protocol for the ROM spinal test. Once the test is complete, the system provides a colorful and detailed report for the user and medical professional to review the findings for education, evaluation and future treatment planning.

The Q-ROM sensors are combined with proprietary motion processing algorithms which allow fast, reliable and easy ROM measurements while requiring minimal operator involvement. Taking less than a minute to complete, the Q-ROM sensors accurately measure the patient’s true active range of motion and eliminate the need for the patient to lie down for rotation measurement by the medical professional. View the video below to find out how fast and easy the Q-ROM Computerized Range of Motion System works.

While the rains of April help to bring along flowers and growth to the land, Rehabmart hopes to bring the tools for the job of living to the woman and man.

Bill Stock
Executive Editor,
Content & Social Media Services