Imagine being at school and having a tough time maintaining good posture while trying to concentrate on your lessons. Imagine how distracting it would be to have to constantly adjust yourself and how much energy it could take. 

Now, imagine a group of physical and occupational therapists who worked with engineers to create a comfortable chair for use in classrooms by children who have mild to moderate issues with core stability due to developmental delays or neuromuscular conditions. The chair contributes to a child’s posture, attention, and learning, making it a good ‘PAL’ to have at school.


The PAL Classroom Seat is designed to allow therapists to perform quick assessments of a child’s needs as well as to keep him or her in an optimal position so he or she can focus on the lessons and schoolwork rather than being constantly distracted by the tiring struggle of staying upright. The pelvic belt, adjustable arm and back rests, side pads, and an optional ramped cushion all work together to keep the child’s trunk in midline posture and keep the head and neck in proper alignment, allowing better focus on the teacher and improved reading and writing. Standard features include an adjustable angled backrest; four adjustable chair legs; seat and back pads; and a lap belt. Adjustments are made by loosening the bolts used to hold the parts together. Simply loosen them, pull them out, and after lining up the holes at the desired height or position, replace and tighten them. No tools are necessary thanks to the large turning knobs on the end. 

The PAL is easy to clean with a soft cloth and spray cleaner. It comes in four fun colors, pink, blue, green, and orange. Four sizes are available to accommodate users from one to twelve years old, or up to 110 pounds. 


In addition to the ramped seat cushion, options include a high seat frame enabling size one PALs to be used as a high chair; an adjustable footrest and abduction pommel to ensure even weight distribution and comfort as well as pelvic stability; two curved pieces that can be used as rockers or stabilizers depending on the child’s needs; skis with casters to facilitate transport; and a tray for further stabilization that additionally provides a flat surface for schoolwork, drawing, or other activities.

The matching PAL Classroom Table comes in a choice of two- or four-user models. It comes in the same four sizes and fun color choices as the PAL chair. They are suitable for use in classrooms and for dining or any other activity requiring a flat surface or when anterior support is needed. 


Whether part of a regular or special needs classroom, at a therapy center, or in a private residence, the PAL is intended for use by children living with developmental delays such as autistic spectrum disorders or intellectual disabilities such as Down syndrome, and musculoskeletal conditions and neurological issues that compromise core stability and balance such as cerebral palsy. 

It’s not easy for a child to focus when he or she is uncomfortable and tired from the struggle to sit up. With the help of a PAL chair, he or she can reach their academic potential in comfort.

Fran Jablway,
Senior Medical Consumer Writer
Hulet Smith, OT
Rehabmart Team Leader & CEO