The top 5 products you will most likely need following a stroke:
  1. 3-in-1 Bedside Commode - A bedside commode can be used both at the bed side (with it's removable pail), and as an elevated toilet seat placed over the toilet itself. This provides instant rails and a higher surface to make getting up and down much easier.


  2. Tub Bench - This is an essential item for making bathing a safer task. Most hip fractures come from trying to get in and out of the tub, and having a stroke just makes the likelyhood that much more.


  3. Long-handled Reacher - The long-handled reacher will allow you to pick things up off the floor as well as help you get dressed if you've only suffered a mild stroke.


  4. Quad Cane or Hemi Walker - These products are similar, but both serve the same function. They allow you to walk more easily when you only have the use of one hand or arm. Typical walkers require two hands to operate. This is a common mistake families make when bringing their loved one home.


  5. Bed Transfer Handle - The transfer handle helps prevent falls and injuries, improves in-bed mobility and assists with standing and balancing.


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