From library.rehabmart.comThe Fun of Portable Wheelchairs

In the grand scheme of life, the fun of portable wheelchairs can bring a new independence and appreciation for life once again. Yes, no rational individual would prefer to experience every day from the seat of a chair. But, if there is no other alternative, it is not time to mope. It is time to make the best of what life has to offer and enjoy every chance to participate in your own existence.

I know, it may sound overly sentimental and strange, but I live my life from the seat of a wheelchair, and it can be fun, if you let it. For example, if you have a portable chair that allows you to leave home and attend special occasions, have you ever considered dancing? Well, let me tell you it can be lots of fun, even if it is not done in the customary way. However, be forewarned. If you tend to get dizzy easily, you may want to take long "walks" in the park as an alternative activity.

Oh yes; you do not walk either. But, you probably have friends and family that do like the occasional stroll. What is stopping you from joining them? Your community probably has a park with a biking or walking path. So, get yourself a pair of biking or motorcycle gloves to protect the palms of your hands, and get some exercise. 

If you have limited motion in your upper body and tire easily, did you know that motorized portable wheelchairs are now available. The chair can still fold away in your trunk, but you will have that boost of power to enjoy those outing and climb those challenging inclines.

Do you like to go shopping, out to eat with friends, or work outside the home in a traditional work setting? With a portable wheelchair, you may continue to do so, even if your legs do not comply. Simply because you are in a chair does not mean you have to sit at home and watch the world go by out the window. 

Even if it means undergoing physical therapy, to strengthen your upper body, it will be worth the effort. For example, check on the Internet for handicapped accessible vacation destinations. Whether you need a portable wheelchair for long distances or full-time, there are plenty of places you can have fun, see the sites, and participate in life.

In short, if you and I could have the choice, we would run and jump, climb the nearest mountain, walk through the mall, and 101 other activities we miss. But, it is not healthy to dwell on what we cannot do. Instead, think about all of the things we can do, thanks to the portable wheelchair. In truth, no one has more than one life to live. So, it is incumbent on us to not waste the one we have with our friends and family. 

Everyone is handicapped in one way or another. Our physical challenges are just a little more noticeable. So, give up wishing for what cannot be, and find ways to have fun with your portable wheelchair.