Rehabmart offers many different types of mobility scooters at discount prices. Visit our mobility scooter page to view the different products we have to offer!

Any sixteen year old with a newly minted driver's license will tell you nothing beats the feeling of freedom you get from having your own wheels to take you around town. Most of us can remember the heady feeling of independence when we no longer had to rely on Mom or Dad to take us to the store or a friend's house. People whose disability does not allow them to drive often feel this loss of independence keenly, especially if they were once able to transport themselves around in a car. Fortunately, there are a wide variety of personal mobility vehicles on the market that will get you where you need to go. Rehabmart is proud to offer the ActiveCare Osprey Heavy Duty 4 Wheel Scooter which is the right combination of luxury and durability to get you to your destination in style.

The Osprey Heavy Duty 4-Wheel Scooter is tough enough to handle all kinds of terrain outdoors with its 7" ground clearance but is nimble enough to handle indoor transportation as well. Designed to handle a capacity of 500 lbs., the Osprey's front and rear wheel suspension, pneumatic tires and 29 inch wheel base combine to give the operator a smooth ride that can maneuver around tight corners with ease. Ergonomically designed controls make it easier for those who lack hand strength or have fine motor control issues to operate the vehicle. An adjustable tiller, or steering column, will ensure the operator will be able to find the right position for maximum comfort and ease.

Speaking of comfort, the Osprey Heavy Duty 4 Wheel Scooter features a deeply contoured cushioned Captain's Chair and adjustable headrest that can recline at a 25 degree angle and can swivel a full 360 degrees. Equipped with padded armrests that flip up for easy transfer, the fully foldable chair comes in two widths (20 and 22 inches) and has four height adjustments to provide the best fit possible. Osprey drivers will feel right at home with an automobile-style seat adjuster that will move them forward or backward to give them maximum leg room.  A generous foot bed will ensure legs have room to move as well.

One of the most outstanding features of the Osprey Heavy Duty 4 Wheel scooter is its ability to go farther than many scooters on the market today. With a distance of 38 miles, most errands can be accomplished without needing a recharge. With a maximum speed to 9 miles per hour, it outperforms many other scooters as well. In addition to performance, the Osprey has many safety features including: anti-tip wheels, dual rear view mirrors, hand-operated drum brakes for quick stops as well as headlights, turn signals and a horn.

With its ability to go the distance, its flexible indoor/outdoor use and its safety and comfort, the Osprey Heavy Duty 4 Wheel Scooter can't be beat. Although it can't turn back the hands of time to make you a giddy teenager tasting freedom for the first time, it can help you reclaim a feeling of independence and autonomy once again.

Rachel Huber,
Medical Consumer Writer
Hulet Smith, OT
Rehabmart Team Leader & CEO