Rehabmart offers many different types of exercise equipment at discount prices. Visit our exercise equipment page to view the different products we have to offer!



Weight Loss Doesn't End With the Closing of Swimsuit Season

Yes, the summer is slowly coming to an end.  Children are going back to school, universities and colleges are opening their doors, and soon the beaches and pool sides that were full of laughter, splashing water, and sunbathers will become more deserted as the next few weeks pass by.  Just because the season in which we are forced to bare a little extra skin is slowly leaving us, does not constitute a reason to halt our efforts to look healthy and fit in front of other people.

As we all know, the next few months will be full of tasty temptations with Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas all coming around the corner. As the summer heat starts to fade away and we begin to add back on layers of clothing, we must not allow ourselves to add back the pounds we worked so desperately to shed during the warmer months.  RehabMart offers a variety of products that can assist you in the weight control department, offering indoor alternatives to exercise and physical activity as we transition to the warm comfy interiors of our homes and office spaces from our outdoor extracurricular hustle and bustle. 
As we head back to the grueling schedules of work, away from our rest and relaxation season, our stress levels are bound to boost.  Take out the tension using a Deluxe Padded Hand Grips. This small device can fit in your desk drawer at work, in your glove compartment, or rest beside your remote control in your favorite chair or recliner. 
It will not only help you to alleviate stress from being cooped up in the office, but can be taken on the morning/afternoon commute to relieve your anger from crazy drivers, or you can merely use it during commercial breaks from your favorite primetime television show.  The Deluxe Padded Hand Grip will also strengthen your grip, which could make you a better golfer, tennis player, or just help you keep a closer hold on your rambunctious grandchild who is paying a visit.

Another easy, cost-effective, space saving alternative to outdoor frolicking or grueling workouts at a local gym is to use Core Strength Tubing. Resistance training doesn't mean resisting the urge to workout and stay lean and fit. It means using your weights, resistance tubing, or even your own body weight to build muscle, strengthen them, and tone those areas which you consider your "trouble spots."  
 eMedicine Health reminds us that "long ago in hunter-gatherer societies, humans' muscles got a workout by building shelter, hunting, farming, and all the other manual chores necessary to live. Today, however, we have engineered inactivity into our lives with labor-saving devices to the extent that our muscles rarely need to be pushed very hard."   Riding lawnmowers, electric snow blowers, and yes, even automobiles are all devices that keep us inactive as opposed to using our muscles extensively.  Core Strength Tubing can be pulled out at any time of the day for just a few minutes, and with minimal effort you can quickly incorporate a moment of resistance training into your daily routine. Both Women's Health Magazine and Men's Health Magazine offer portable resistance band exercise routines for your convenience and personal weight loss/management goals. Who says you can't have gravy on your mashed potatoes or that extra slice of pumpkin pie once Thanksgiving hits? So get to stretching!

While fall and winter offer undesirable temperatures for walking and jogging in the great outdoors, try keeping up your pace indoors. Malls are a great place to add some strides into your personal exercise agenda.  Keep up with your distance and calories by using a 5 Function Deluxe Pedometer.  Window shopping doesn't cost a penny, so why not take full advantage of the heated facilities of your local shopping plaza and walk the calories away.  

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Walking is fun for the whole family and also a safer place to recreate, especially when the hours of daylight will start to dwindle as the next few months approach. Want to kick it up a notch?  Add some One Pound Soft Wrist Weights to your course to help shed a few extra calories. You can walk normally or add a few curls, flys, or arm raises to further tone your upper body.  

Keith Higginbotham,
Medical Consumer Writer
Hulet Smith, OT
Rehabmart Team Leader & CEO