
TheraTogs has continually been a great selling product for Rehabmart and 2013 was no exception. TheraTogs are designed as a comfortable, foam-lined wearable therapy system that hugs the body of both infants and adults who have such indications as hypotonia, torticollis, diplegic or hemiplegic cerebral palsy, cerebellar ataxia, developmental delay, and BPI.  TheraTogs is a Velcro®-sensitive garment and strapping system that grips the skin with a patented composite fabric that is elasticized with a stretch bias, favoring good postural alignment.  The TheraTogs ULTRA Full Body System can provide up to fifty hours of therapy per week.  TheraTogs has become a standard of care for many medical facilities when addressing neuromotor, sensory, and postural issues in both children and adults.

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For patients with neuromotor or biomechanical issues, TheraTogs will assist the patient in forming a proper functional body alignment, letting the patient re-train their body throughout the day and while doing daily activities by applying a prolonged and gentle force, actually changing the muscle and connective tissue, bone and joint development for younger children, in favor of a better functioning and better body alignment.  For patients with sensory and sensorimotor issues, TheraTogs applies a gentle compression and proprioceptive input across the entire trunk of the patient, offering stability and support that moves with the patient.


Shower Commode Chairs

Another bestselling category of 2013 from Rehabmart are the Shower Commode Chairs.  Shower Commode Chairs seem to be an afterthought for many people, something that is not the first thing to think about when deciding what someone may need during recovery, but don’t let the simple category name fool you.  The shower area is one of the most dangerous places within the home or medical facility.  Having a patient with weakened legs or body use a shower, even one with hand rails or hand grips, is a very dicey arrangement.  A shower chair allows a person to comfortably and safely sit down in the shower while being cleaned.  With more than 80 shower commode chairs to offer, Rehabmart has sold a large number of them in 2013 to individuals, government hospitals, and medical facilities.  

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For a person who is bed-ridden or wheelchair-bound, being able to take a shower or to sit down for personal toiletry needs on a commode is a wonderful relief.  These chairs also make it easier for a caregiver to assist in a patient’s personal care.  A couple of examples are the Soft Seat Shower Commode Chair which boasts a soft seat cover on a sturdy, rust-resistant PVC frame, and a commode pail and an open front for easy cleaning.  Another type of shower chair is the Aquatec Ocean E-VIP Power Tilt-in Space Shower Commode Chair that has a tilt-in-space function that allows the patient and caregiver to fully clean the patient in the shower, while the height adjustability function makes transfers or toilet clearance easy and safe.  This shower commode chair is to be used in either a home setting or a medical facility.


Adult Changing Tables

As more and more baby boomers reach their elder years, more notice has been made that a place to safely change the soiled clothing of the elderly, or of the growing number of special needs adults, and also people recovering from surgery, is needed.  Oftentimes, when a disabled adult has soiled themselves, the caregiver would change the adult either in their bed or even while standing up.  An adult changing table allows the medical staff an area that is more safe, sanitary and comfortable, while at the same time making the changing of adult incontinence underwear or briefs a more simplified process.  While similar to infant changing tables, the adult changing tables are much larger, accommodating people up to 72 inches in length and up to 400 pounds in weight.  Many adult changing tables are height adjustable by either a crank or electric, making the process more ergonomic for both the patient and the caregiver. Some models are stand-alone tables while others can be either temporarily or permanently mounted to a wall, offering a smaller footprint within a medical facility.  These changing tables have become a great and useful tool in doctor offices, medical facilities, homes, hospitals, care facilities for the physically challenged and even in restaurants.  

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As the call for more adult changing tables is increasing, Rehabmart highlights an ever growing selection of changing tables that also became best sellers in 2013.  A few examples are the Armedica AM-150 Hi Lo Changing Table which is a stand-alone, foot switch-controlled, electric rising/lowering changing table.  It has a one-piece top section that will pivot for easy transfers, access and positioning of the patient by the caregiver, and can lift up to 400 pounds.  Another example is the Hi-Riser Changing Bench, which is connected to the wall, letting the wall and floor absorb the lifting force.  A user-friendly remote can lower the bench to 16 inches for easy transfers and then will raise the table to a comfortable height for the caregiver to change the soiled clothes of the adult in need.  Due to its durable vinyl upholstery and stainless steel frame, it is moisture-resistant, making it ideal for a pool or shower changing room.  When folded away up against the wall, this table will have a zero footprint in traffic areas.


Wheelchair Ramps

If a wheelchair-bound person lives in a house that has porch steps or even a high border between a doorway, he or she becomes mainly home-bound, too.  A simple one-foot step can keep a wheelchair-bound person inside the home all the time.  Wheelchair ramps assist people in wheelchairs to be able to get in and out of their home, help to get electric wheelchairs or scooters up or out of a van or truck-lift, and even portable ramps can assist the wheelchair user to get into restaurants or the homes of family and friends.  With over 25 varied wheelchair ramps, Rehabmart has been able to offer many people and facilities numerous ramps in 2013.  Whether one needs a small ramp to help get over a sliding door or a regular doorway threshold, or a ramp to get over several porch steps, a portable ramp to take in the van or truck, or even a built-in long ramp to get into a home, Rehabmart has them all.  Wheelchair ramps can be a permanent foundation to a home, a folding aluminum lightweight portable ramp for temporary use, or a car/truck hitch mounted ramp for scooters.  

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A few examples of wheelchair ramps offered by Rehabmart are the Signature Suitcase Wheelchair Ramp that is a portable aluminum ramp highlighting a full-length central hinge and flexible handles which allows it to be folded into two sections and carried like a suitcase.  This can be used as a temporary home ramp, or as a ramp that allows a wheelchair to get into other places such as a home or place of business that is not wheelchair-accessible. Another style ramp is the TrekAway Hitch Mounted Carrier with Ramp that is designed for getting wheelchairs and power wheelchairs in and out of pickup trucks with trailer hitches and has a weight capacity of 400 pounds. The National Ramp Aluminum Modular Wheelchair Ramp is more of a permanent fixture for the home of a wheelchair-bound individual. This ADA-compliant wheelchair access ramp features a walking surface made with open mesh that will provide improved traction in all types of weather and will dry quickly, making it much safer for all individuals to use. The weight capacity of this ramp generously accommodates up to 800 pounds.

Each year Rehabmart continues to grow, ever increasing it great prices and customer service to individual buyers, governmental contracts, medical, rehab and care facilities of all sorts, and large medical centers. Offering over fifty-thousand diverse medical products, and servicing over one hundred and fifty-thousand customers since 1998, Rehabmart is becoming one of the most trusted and “go to” places for quality medical supplies and devices.  Offering everything from a band-aid to a hyperbaric chamber, Rehabmart demonstrates a powerful diversity that is simply unparalleled in today's medical and rehabilitation industry.  

Rehabmart would like to thank all of our customers for a great year in 2013, and for our success of the past 15 years, along with our continued success in the future.






Bill Stock
Executive Editor,
Content & Social Media Services
Hulet Smith, OT
Rehabmart Team Leader & CEO