With swimming pools opening all across the US and summer finally here, it's swimming time again!  Swimming is one of the greatest summer activities because it provides relief from the heat while also being a popular and excellent way to exercise while having fun.  Most pool users can simply walk into a pool or enter it in seconds with the simple act of cannon-balling into the water, but for the handicapped and physically challenged, getting in and out of the pool is an often difficult and seemingly insurmountable task. Because of this, many handicapped people avoid even attempting to swim, which is tragic because it remains one of the best forms of therapy and exercise for the physically disabled. 

Hydrotherapy, synonymous with 'water cure,' has proven itself over centuries as one of the most beneficial therapies not only physically, but mentally as well. Recreational swimming is a great way to relax while still enjoying a full-body workout.  Because the density of the human body is so similar to that of water, the water helps support the body and therefore, less stress is placed on joints and bones.  Hydrotherapy is frequently used as an exercise during rehabilitation after an injury or for those with disabilities. 

Recognizing the numerous benefits of hydrotherapy and swimming in general, the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) has enacted a new compliance that all public pools and spas need to have a handicapped entrance or pool lift to ensure that all people, regardless of their disability, have equal access to the beneficial properties of enjoying the pool.  This new compliance includes public pools, leisure rivers, hotels, and fitness centers.

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To meet compliance, pool and resort owners need look no further than the Aqua Creek Titan 600 Pool Lift.  This one-of-a-kind revolutionary lift has the ability to lift 600 pounds!  Of course, it meets the new ADA standards, and it is so flexible that it services physically disabled persons in most types and shapes of pools and spas.  It provides extremely stable, effortless, and comfortable slow descent and ascent, leaving the user free to simply reap the benefits of swimming with no worries about the logistics of getting in and out.  The Aqua Creek Titan 600 Pool Lift can also service multiple bodies of water and with just a push of a button, the user can rotate 360 degrees. The lift meets the ADA requirement for the handicapped being able to operate the lift on their own without assistance, and reestablishes independence.

And the perfect fit to meet the ADA standards with limited space is the Aqua Creek Portable Pro Pool Lift. This portable version does not need any anchors installed in the pool deck; instead, simply wheel beside the pool, shift the lift forward, and start swimming!  The aquatic lift supports 400 pounds, and can also be used with an existing Pro Pool Lift™ to make it a portable compact unit, while it conveniently wheels away for easy storage and maximum space utilization. 

The Aqua Creek pool lifts can additionally be quickly converted into aqua therapy bikes by sliding the Cycle Attachment upgrade option into place, lowering the lift, and pedaling away (figuratively, not literally)!  Pool owners everywhere are making positive changes and improving the quality of life for the disabled by installing these lifts due to studies on hydrotherapy which show it increases mobility, provides better rest, lowers stress, and builds confidence.   And the satisfaction of doing something oneself reestablishes independence. 

Alyssa Aldana,
Medical Consumer Writer
Hulet Smith, OT
Rehabmart Team Leader & CEO