When thinking about those special people with special needs, products tend to be geared toward mobility aids such as wheelchairs, scooters, and walkers. But there is much more to life than movement-- just ask the average couch potato! Sitting in a wheelchair or in another seating device all day every day can cause great discomfort. A comfortable recliner and bed are essential for the body to get the rest it needs and to relax during the precious downtime between physical therapy, doctor appointments, work and school. Being propped up on the floor with pillows is not an acceptable comfortable alternative because of the lack of proper posturing, pressure relief, and support. It is a well-known fact that poor posture can result in severe chronic pain or permanent damage as well as spinal and joint dysfunction. But poor posture additionally impairs the lungs' ability to fully inflate, causing improper breathing. Proper pressure relief helps one's muscles to relax and aids in increasing the circulation to the arms and legs.
Everyone has that one irreplaceable piece of furniture in the living room that they would not want to live without, be it a recliner or super soft sofa. But the focus has been on what the special needs person needs to survive and function, and while that oh-so-cozy chair might not technically be considered a necessity to doctors, it is in my book! This is something that has been largely overlooked. Studies have proven that the more relaxed the body is, the more receptive the individual will be to the task at hand, whether it is learning, relaxing, or eating. Which dispels the old myth that students learn better when they are sitting in hard desks, so school systems have finally transitioned from those super uncomfortable desks to more comfortable models. And now, finally, there is a specifically designed special needs version of the coziest chair ever without restraints or hard surfaces.
![From library.rehabmart.com](/blogphotos/rehabmart/library/chill_out_roller.jpg)
Rehabmart is proud to introduce the Freedom Concept Chill Out Rocker Chair and the Freedom Concept Chill Out Roller! These amazing chairs are not just fun and cozy, but literally rock 'n' roll in different sizes for the maximum in comfort and support for both children and adults. They are designed with different density foam for pressure point relief and the individual sits into Deep-V technology, which translates into no more falling out or slipping off of these chairs. They both include an ottoman for lower extremity relief and improved blood circulation, but the ottoman also doubles as a great perch for caregivers while feeding or administering medication. They are especially beneficial for people with sensory issues as they provide a calming, hugging sensation. The Rock'er provides smooth, calming rocking motions, while the ottoman can be attached for enhanced stability. The Roll'er has wheels to allow for fun while moving from room to room and is also great for spinning!
So let the rockin' and rollin' begin and watch your loved one's face light up every time they have a seat in their very own customized and cozy Chill Out Chair!
Alyssa Aldana,
Medical Consumer Writer
Hulet Smith, OT
Rehabmart Team Leader & CEO