All Terrain Wheelchairs for the beach

"Summer turns me upside down.
Summer, summer,'s like a merry-go-round."
                                                               - The Cars

If you think that people in wheelchairs can't enjoy the beach and all of the other wonderful outdoor summertime activities that are right around the corner, think again.  Many folks in wheelchairs play wheelchair volleyball, wheelchair tennis, wheelchair basketball, wheelchair rugby and are probably more active than many of their supposedly more able-bodied friends!  Being in a wheelchair does not have to mean missing out on the delights of summer, especially when it means going to the beach for some fun in the sand and surf.

But it can turn into a "cruel, cruel summer" if the right equipment is not utilized.  Regular wheelchairs are hard to get through the thick sand and over the sometimes uneven surfaces of grass, soft soil and rough terrain in parks and picnic areas.  Before you get "the summertime blues", check out these All Terrain Wheelchairs at Rehabmart.  These awesome wheelchairs are designed specifically for rough terrain, uneven surfaces, soft soil and heavy sand allowing anyone using them to enjoy some "hot fun in the summertime" right along with their friends and family.

The MJM All Terrain Wheelchair is constructed from healthcare-grade PVC pipe and fittings and features a contoured frame without sharp edges to avoid skin breaks during transfers.  It has high flotation heavy duty wheels that easily maneuver any kind of soft terrain such as sand or small gravel, and these two swivel and two rigid wheels also roll safely over rough, uneven surfaces like grass or rocks. The seat is padded for extra comfort and this chair includes a storage container, folding footrest, safety belt and umbrella.  


The MJM All Terrain Wheelchair also folds down quickly into two parts for ease of transport and storage.  Additionally, the single-motion brake system makes it simple for the user to operate.

Another great choice for all-terrain mobility is the Aqua Creek Beach Access Wheelchair.  Four balloon flotation tires give this chair extra stability that resists tipping and corners better than three-wheel designed chairs.  This Beach Access chair features durable, non-corrosive PVC construction and non-corrosive nylon wheel bearings, along with a 250 lb. weight capacity. 


A sliding footrest, comfortable cushioned seat, spacious storage bag, adjustable safety belt and 6 foot umbrella will delight any user, while the single-motion dual parking brakes ensure safety and ease of use. The Aqua Creek Beach Access chair effortlessly disassembles into three pieces, making for much simpler transport.

So, "in the summertime, when the weather is high, you can chase right up and touch the sky" with a sporty all-terrain wheelchair from Rehabmart.  "The livin' is easy" when you have the right summertime equipment to explore any terrain your heart desires...because that's the way you roll.

For more information on these wheelchairs, please go to All Terrain Wheelchairs.
Carol Koenigsknecht, Medical Consumer Writer
Hulet Smith, OT
Rehabmart Team Leader & CEO