August is Children's Eye Health Month

Don't look now but August is Children's Eye Health and Safety Month.   What if a child never had his eye sight checked, how would he know if he had any sight problems?  A child that has problems seeing, or being light sensitive, or experiencing a blurriness of vision would tend believe this type of 'seeing' to be normal and not tell anybody about his vision problem.

With the new school year swiftly coming, can little Suzy or Johnny see the blackboard or read their school books?  Is Suzy squinting her eyes at the blackboard from her first row seat?  Is Johnny covering up one eye so the words on the book page don't become 'double'?    Does either one seem easily surprised or jumpy when someone walks softly up to them?

According to Hugh R. Parry, president and CEO of Prevent Blindness America, "Vision problems affect one in four school-aged children.  We want all children to make sure their child's eye problems do not go unnoticed this school year.  A child should not have to struggle in school because of an undetected vision problem."

Having yearly eye check-ups with your doctor or an optometrist is always a good idea, or talking with the school system or local government to find out about free children eye exams.  If you know that your child does have sight difficulties then Rehabmart can offer you assistance with many different products for the sight impaired.

Rehabmarts's online Low Vision Products Store provides a full line of low vision aids and solutions for the blind and visually impaired including Magnifiers, Talking Products, Canes, Braille/Tactile Tools, Large Print Items and Low Vision Aids at discounted prices.
As you meander throughout the store you may be interested in some of the products on the shelves in the following aisles or look around the place and see what else may intereste you.
Many types of magnifying products can be found in the Magnifiers aisle, some examples are Page Magnifiers or Electronic Magnifiers .
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Many different types of Low Vision Lamps can be found in the Low Vision/Large Print aislesome examples are:

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 In the Talking Products aislethere are many different prodcuts that, well, talk.  Some examples are Talking Clocks. 
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Don't forget to go down the low vision Toy Aisle to see what kind of Board GamesBall Games, or Card Games Rehabamart carries.
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For those who read and write braille, the Braillers and Tractile aisle can offer you some Braillers and Tractile Printers gift ideas.
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We hope you enjoyed your shopping at Rehabmart's Low Vision Store.  Feel free to come back anytime, the door is always open.
Bill Stock
Library Editor for Rehabmart
Hulet Smith, OT
Rehabmart Team Leader & CEO