Do you put yourself in a precarious position every time you take a shower or a bath? Have you fallen and hurt yourself in the past? Have you come to point that you understand it is only a matter of time before you do some major damage to your bones and muscles. Then, you can use one of a selection of bath benches for better balance.
Stop Taking Chances
If you normally walk with the assistance of a cane or a walker, you cannot exactly take your assistive device in with you to bath. Once those rubber tips get wet, you might as well be at the local ice skating rink. At either place, you could end up on your seat and wishing you could reach a phone and call for help.
Of course, the only other alternative is hoping you can maintain your balance long enough to shampoo you hair and wash off your body. Even if you have escaped injury to this point, why take any unnecessary chances. A bath bench can give you the opportunity to relax, do a better job with personal care, and keep you safe from slipping.
No Major Renovation
If you are worried about the inconvenience to other family members, you should know that bath benches require no major renovation to your bathroom. In fact, some styles are totally portable. You simply place the bath bench in the shower, bathe, and take it back out again after you dry off. Most are compact enough to fit neatly beside the bathtub. In fact, it makes a convenient bench for anyone who might want to have a perch while dressing, brushing teeth, or whatever people do in the restroom.
Of course, if you need something a little more stable, that does not require you to move it out of the way; you can always opt to select a style that can be bolted to the shower wall. A wall mounted bath bench will be a little sturdier and not require replacement of the rubber tips on the ends of the legs every once in a while. Also, stationery bath benches will not get in the way of other bathers who want to take a shower. Most people stand toward the center of the tub or shower. If anything, other people will want to experience the convenience and comfort of that bath bench.
On the Road
As someone who also has physical challenges that make bathing potentially dangerous, I have used bath benches. It is much easier and safer than trying to life myself out of the tub. But, I am often in a pickle when I travel, ending up taking "spit baths" out of the bathroom sink at someone else's house or the hotel room, if handicapped accommodations are not available.
So, you may want to get two bath benches - one for your home and one for the road. Then, if you get stuck in a situation where you might have to put your safety at risk, get out the portable bath bench and you are all set.
In short, you should not have to be in fear of your next shower. It should be a time to wash away the grime of the day, while relaxing and feeling refreshed. Do not wait until after a fall to check out if a bath bench can make getting clean enjoyable again.