No one likes to experience pain which explains in part why drug companies spend much of their time and resources in the area of pain management. All too often, we reach for an over-the-counter medication when there are many drug-free solutions to relieve pain and the stress associated with it. Eastern medicine has thousands of years of experience in alleviating pain through strategic stimulation and massage of specific points on the body which is now being more accepted by mainstream health professionals.
One example of a product that relieves eye and sinus pain through gentle stimulation and massage is the Pain Relief Mask with Massaging ErgoBeads. The Eye Pillow is made to conform to the face and eyes and is filled with massaging ergo beads that surround your eyes, temple and forehead with a soft, gentle pressure. The Eye Pillow can be used to block light and relieve eye strain or it can be put in the freezer to give the forehead and temples pain relief that is cool, but not freezing cold as some ice packs can be. The Eye Pillow is washable and latex-free and is made to be reused whenever your face or eyes need relief.
Trigger or pain relief points are well known to acupuncturists, massage therapists and even conventional medical professionals. The
CryoStim Ice Massager combines the trigger point technique with a cooling ice massage to produce targeted pain relief for everything from shoulder pain to a toothache. The Cryostim Probe is a small, compact device that stays in the freezer until it's ready to use. Unlike bulky ice packs that can end up dripping and covering too large an area, the Cryostim Probe is designed to only cool and relieve specific pain points. Cryostim is reusable and can be used in conjunction with Cryostim Gel which will minimize skin irritation.
Another common source of pain is injection sites. Many children and even some adults fear needles so much they will refuse needed treatments or at least dread them to the point they are physically ill from the stress of getting an injection. The
Bionix ShotBlocker, an innovative product by Bionix, is a patented flexible plastic disk which uses a number of blunt contact points that surround the injection site and distracts the patient and diffuses the pain. Shot blocker can be used for both intramuscular and subcutaneous injections and works by saturating the sensory points in the area of skin that is being injected. Since the patient can't feel exactly where the needle is being placed, there is less anxiety and pain associated with the injection. In a study conducted in numerous hospitals and medical centers around the country, Shot Blocker was shown to be effective in reducing pain (American Journal of Emergency Medicine 2009).
One area of drug free pain management that often gets overlooked is prevention. Sometimes the best way to handle pain is to prevent painful conditions from happening in the first place. Ear pain from swimmer's ear and other bacterial ear conditions can be excruciating and hard to treat after it takes hold. A natural way to keep your ears dry and bacteria free is with the Macks Cordless Rechargeable Ear Dryer. Invented by an ENT doctor, the Mack's Ear dries outer ear area in about a minute and folds compactly so it can be easily tucked into a gym or beach bag. The cordless, rechargeable Ear Dryer gently dries the ear canal with a gentle, regulated warm air flow and comes equipped with reusable color-coded earpieces that can be used by the entire family. As many ENT doctors know, a dry ear is a happy, healthy ear!
So next time you are reaching for the ibuprophen or other medication, remember there are a variety of natural drug-free remedies out there that can be just as effective on relieving pain. Plus you will have the added benefit of feeling good about taking control of your pain without putting anything artificial in your body. Of course we can't always avoid medication, but isn't in nice to know you don't always have to go to the drugstore or your medicine cabinet to find relief?
Rachel Huber,
Medical Consumer Writer
Hulet Smith, OT
Rehabmart Team Leader & CEO