“Rehabmart offers many different types of Vitamins, Supplements, Minerals, Herbs, Nutrition, Phytonutrients, Energy Supplements, Natural Sleep Aids at discount prices. Visit the site to see great products!”

Insomnia - A frustrating nightmare

Most people take the ability to sleep for granted.  While many of us have had some sleepless nights here and there throughout our lives, the majority of us tend to sleep well at night and don't give our sleep time a second thought.  For those who are bothered by various sleep disturbances, either chronically or more often than not, insomnia can become a very frustrating nightmare.  About one out of every ten Americans are affected by chronic insomnia, which is classified as the failure to get an entire night's sleep on most nights over a one month period.  Insomnia includes being unable to fall asleep, or being unable to go back to sleep if you have woken up during the night. 

Causes of insomnia are widely variable and include lack of proper nutrition, unresolved stress and psychological disorders, lack of proper exercise, ingestion of too many stimulants, taking naps during the day, going to bed and getting up at very different times from day to day, and physical issues such as sleep apnea and restless leg syndrome.  Insomnia can also be a symptom of a more serious underlying physical cause such as arthritis, asthma, hypoglycemia, hyperthyroidism, kidney or heart disease, or it can be a side effect caused by several different kinds of over-the-counter and prescription medications.  Many women also experience some level of insomnia when they transition through menopause, or during other natural hormonal transitions such as childbirth.

There are no hard and fast rules about how much sleep is considered "enough" for all people.  Some folks can function well on as little as five hours of sleep a night, while others do better with as much as ten hours.  Most adults need about eight hours of sleep to feel their best and perform to the best of their capabilities.  Children and teenagers tend to need more hours of sleep for their quickly growing bodies, while the elderly tend to need less.  If you feel tired a lot, or have trouble concentrating, thinking and performing normal tasks, your lack of good quality sleep may be the cause.  More sleep is required for those who are ill or recovering from injury, as sleep time is the main time that healing and repair take place in our bodies.

Fortunately, there are a lot of natural, non-invasive approaches that can be taken to overcome chronic insomnia.  Since about 50% of insomnia cases are caused by depression, unresolved stress and other psychological disorders, finding ways to get your mind in a happier place is extremely important.  This can be done with pharmaceutical or natural supplemental support, while also using healthy approaches such as bio-feedback, light therapies, relaxation techniques such as meditation and guided imagery, aromatherapy, yoga and many other intentional thought practices.  Physical exercise is also extremely important for any causes of insomnia and every other health disorder; more people than ever before are leading sedentary lifestyles which is contributing to more cases of insomnia and other health issues.

There are many herbs and nutritional supplements that can be very helpful in promoting long and good quality sleep.  Valerian root is one of the most popular and this is the herb that the drug Valium was originally synthesized from.  Many people who have used both report that the natural herb, valerian root, actually works better as a tranquilizer for them than the drug and has no side effects. 

Some folks who are more prone to anxiety might do well to take this herb throughout the day, as well as taking it before bedtime.  Valerian root is often not taken in large enough doses to be effective as a sleeping aid for some; gradually increase the dosage until you feel the relaxing effects.  It is generally considered very safe, even at higher dosages and one can tell if they've taken too much by a "rubbery" feeling in the muscles (as if they are TOO relaxed), or by a feeling of heaviness.  There is also a small percentage of people who can't convert some of the essential oils found in valerian root in their digestive system and this means that the herb may work as a stimulant for these folks.  If you get this kind of reaction, discontinue use of this herb.  Otherwise, one of the best benefits of using valerian root is that it promotes deep, healthy and relaxing sleep and you wake up feeling very refreshed and energized; there are no sluggish side effects the next day!
Melatonin may be a helpful sleeping aid for some, especially for those folks who work and sleep at different times throughout the week, or are on third shifts.  This natural hormone that is produced by the pineal gland tends to decline as we age.  While melatonin has many different functions, one of the most important is helping us get to sleep and stay asleep.  People who travel by plane also tend to do well with supplemental melatonin as it helps prevent and treat jet lag.

Other herbs and nutrients that can help people with insomnia include passion flower, which is especially useful in controlling the "mental chatter" that goes through our head when we finally lay down in a quiet space.  Chamomile is a well-known herb that is used for a myriad of health issues, but is especially loved for its relaxing effects on mind and body.  Herbs such as California poppy, catnip, kava, skullcap, lemon balm, oatstraw and hops have all had some degree of success in treating chronic insomnia.  Calcium and magnesium are very important for proper sleep, as are B-complex vitamins such as pantothenic acid that help support the nervous system and adrenal glands.  Adrenal weakness/fatigue is another health issue that tends to cause sleeplessness; the body is "too tired" to sleep correctly.  Many people with this issue will tend to fall asleep very quickly, but then wake up a few hours later and can't get back to sleep.

A great natural product for sleep that includes valerian root, passion flower and chamomile is the Shaklee Gentle Sleep Complex, available for purchase from Rehabmart.  This is a wonderful synergistic blend that helps these herbs work even more effectively when combined together than they would if used by themselves.  Give it a week's trial as sometimes it can take a few nights of taking the supplements before you actually start getting relief.  Some good foods to eat at night include bananas, dates, figs, nut butter, tuna, turkey, whole grain crackers and yogurt, as these foods are all high in tryptophan, which helps promote sleep.

Stop your tossing and turning and start getting the sleep you need by incorporating some of these ideas into your life.  Waking up refreshed, renewed and ready to start the day is one of the best feelings in the world...don't deny yourself of your true potential any longer:  Get some sleep!

DISCLAIMER:  These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and are for educational purposes only.  These statements are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

Carol Koenigsknecht, Medical Consumer Writer
Hulet Smith, OT
Rehabmart Team Leader & CEO