SleepSafe Low Bed

A parent or caregiver's best feeling is the knowledge that their child or loved one is safe and secure. The need for this assurance increases at night time, when full-time supervision is not always possible. Cribs are fine for babies or toddlers, but older children and adults with cognitive or physical disabilities need added security at times. Those who have developmental delays or are inflicted with Alzheimer's, Dementia, Cerebral Palsy, Multiple Sclerosis or Spina Bifida are just a few examples of those who may need special help at night. While some people might think hospital beds would fill this need, the exorbitant cost and institutional look of these beds are not suited for many families in a home-based care situation.
The SleepSafe Low Bed offered by Rehabmart provides safety, comfort and flexibility and were designed with the expert advice from care giving professionals.  They exceed federal safety standards and are available in twin or full sizes.  These high-quality attractively styled beds are manufactured with your choice of solid maple or oak.  Clear, unbreakable Plexiglas side rails allow caregivers and patients full visibility and are designed for easy access.  SleepSafe Low beds are specially designed to prevent entrapment by virtually eliminating gaps between the mattress and the bed frame. It is this attention to detail that makes SleepSafe Low bed the perfect solution for many families.
While safety is number one in the minds of parents and caregivers, comfort is a critical component of providing quality care for those who need it. SleepSafe Low beds include a premium pressure-reducing memory foam mattress covered in a fluid resistant, fire-retardant, antimicrobial fabric. Originally developed by NASA in the 1960's, memory foam has been used in medical setting for years. This material is proven to alleviate pressure on fragile bones and help alleviate pain with its natural heat-retaining qualities.
For those confined to bed for an extended period of time, it is important to have the option to raise or lower the mattress, both at the head and foot as well as height adjustability. SleepSafe low beds do have the option to be equipped with flexible, electronically operated adjustment controls to raise of lower the mattress.

Families caring for loved one with disabilities have enough stress in their daily lives. Alleviating just one worry can make all the difference. With the SleepSafe Low bed, caregivers can rest easy at night knowing their family member or patient is safe, comfortable and secure. After all, a bedroom is not a hospital room. It should be a place where one feels at home, feeling loved and cared for. A bed cannot take away all the pain and stress of the day, but it can be a place of rest, safety and regeneration to help one face the challenges that lie ahead.
To  view this and similar products, go to SleepSafe Safety Beds.
Rachel Huber, Medical Consumer Writer
Hulet Smith, OT
RehabMart Team Leader & CEO