Children's safety is the foremost factor in every parent's mind when faced with the incredible challenge that is parenting.  Parents agonize over every scratch, bruise, and possible concussion as those clumsy toddlers explore their environment one accident after another.  The sheer quantity of children's injuries that occur every year prove that no matter how much you "baby proof" your home, they will still manage to find a way to get injured. 

But by far the most common and deadly cause of accidental injury involving children are automobile accidents, which are the leading cause of death for ages 2-14.  There are 250,000 children injured every year in car accidents, with 700 children injured every day, and a 13% fatality rate.  Not surprisingly, failure to properly use and maintain an adequate child safety seat is the single most contributing factor in cases involving kids who die in car accidents.  A recent study shows that 72% of child car seats are being used incorrectly or are out of date.  Many parents do not realize that car seats are only good for a few years of use, often storing and reusing the same safety seat through the years for all of their children. 


Choosing the perfect child safety seat that addresses your child's specific needs can make the difference between life and death, so much thought and research should be put into your child's safety seat selection.  There are pediatric car seats that go far above and beyond the minimum safety standards that are specifically designed for children with special needs to address positioning needs, muscle tone problems, and cognitive or developmental issues to ensure that special needs children have the safest and most comfortable ride possible.  Rehabmart is proud to introduce the new and innovative Roosevelt Child Safety Car Seat, specifically designed to meet the needs of growing children weighing 35-115 pounds, 33.5 to 62 inches tall, giving it 5 inches more than other car seats available today.

The forward facing Roosevelt Car Seat is by far the most comfortable car seat on the market because in addition to addressing body positioning needs, it has extra thick padding and was developed for children with poor head control. The EZ-Up System included in the Roosevelt helps the child maintain a natural head position without any stress or strain.  For additional head support, the EZ-Up Cap easily attaches to the padded headrest, and the child feels secure without feeling tethered by this sleek cap with a traditional baseball hat design. 

The Roosevelt Car Seat also offers seat extension to the front of the seat for a deeper and more comfortable fit for bigger kids and is supplied with 5 extended length straps that allow more room for growth.  The Roosevelt is compatible with most shoulder belts, so it does not have to be tied down multiple times. Changing vehicles is a snap while offering the same high level of safety, although it is equipped for more tethering options if desired or needed.

Most families rely on cars for transportation, so it is important to find safe, effective and comfortable solutions of transporting children with additional needs.  Finding the right car seat that is a perfect fit for the special child will take so much stress off of the parents and children alike with the Roosevelt Car Seat's ease of use and comfortable, stable design.  The sense of security your child will feel in this car seat is priceless.  Although you cannot find these special car seats in popular department stores or malls, they are readily available if you need them at Rehabmart.

Alyssa Aldana,
Medical Consumer Writer
Hulet Smith, OT
Rehabmart Team Leader & CEO