May has arrived and so soon will the warm and sunny days of summer--which brings to mind the happy thoughts of beaches and recreational water enjoyment. There really isn’t a much better thing to do than spending a hot and sultry day at the beach or around a pool, so this month’s newsletter will be about products that can make days of sunscreen and sandcastles better for everybody.



The first thing to do after arriving at the beach or pool is to get into the water. The Aqua Creek Floating Beach Wheelchair offers the perfect opportunity to do just that. A lightweight, yet strong, water-resistant, stainless steel frame and large, bright yellow balloon rubber pneumatic floating tires allow the wheelchair to move easily through the beach sand while the large, highly visible yellow floating armrests will allow the user to enter the water and easily float among the waves. The seat is constructed with a comfortable, breathable and quick drying fabric and is angle adjustable. When not being used in the pool or sea, the armrest floats are detachable, allowing the wheelchair to be used as an all-terrain wheelchair. The user in the floating wheelchair must always be accompanied by a responsible person for safety reasons.

For more information on all-terrain wheelchairs, go to the All Terrain Wheelchair page.



The best time to play at the beach or an outdoor pool is when it is sunny. However, along with the beneficial sunshine can come damaging ultra-violet or UV rays. To protect the youngsters within the family while also assisting them with swimming in chilly water is the Konfidence Shorty Wetsuits that have the same high-quality standards as adult wetsuits, but are designed specifically for children between the ages of 3 and 12 years old. As an added benefit, these wetsuits provide children with full 100% UV protection for the shoulders and upper arms.



For a more traditional approach in swimming suits for children we offer the Konfidence Floatsuits. This 50+SPF protection children’s swimsuit comes with built-in floats so a child learning to swim will have more confidence in the water with the added buoyancy of the floats. Combined with the child’s natural buoyancy, the swimsuit floats can assist a child to learn how to swim. As the child gains confidence in his or her swimming ability, the floats can be individually removed until they are all removed and the child is swimming on his or her own like a dolphin.



Protect a child’s head from sunburn and UV rays with the Konfidence UV Protective Hat which meets AS/NAS standards and highlight a 50+ UVPF. Great at protecting the ears, face, and neck of children, these hats would be perfect for the beach, on boats, while fishing and since the material dries off quickly, they can be worn in the water too.



Many children have problems with incontinence now and then, and because of this it might make it difficult for them to swim in public pools. One way to allow children to securely enter a pool without worries is with the SOSecure Containment Swim Brief. Primarily used with children, these containment swim briefs can now be used with older children, teens and adults without them feeling self-conscious due to the discreet look of the swim suits. Appearing like regular swimwear, the SOSecure Swim briefs are also very effective. Worn snugly under a swimsuit next to the skin, it offers superior protection for bowel incontinence yet also provides some protection for urinary leakage. Now anybody can go into the water and not worry about being embarrassed by an incontinence accident.

Summertime can be fun for the whole family, so go and make sand castles on the beach, float in the water, ride in a boat on a sunny day, or go swimming in the pool all day long while feeling more safe and secure with these helpful summertime products from Rehabmart.

Bill Stock
Executive Editor,
Content & Social Media Services