KayserBetten Secure Sleep Systems Hospital Beds

Parenting is hard, no question about it.  There are many facets of parenting, each one with its own sets and subsets of responsibility and concern.  Making sure that a child gets enough restful sleep is one major concern for the health of both the child and parents.  If a child cannot sleep throughout the night due to minor ailments or bad dreams, the parents are also usually up and sleep deprived too.

Parents of children with medical conditions such as cerebral palsy sleep even less due to the worry over their child losing control of their body and falling out of bed, or thrashing against the wall.  The worry and concern can be exhausting for parents and children, and the lack of restful sleep can snowball and affect the welfare of the entire family structure.

Every parent wants to do what is best for their children and preventing a child from becoming a danger to himself at night due to his medical or psychological condition can become a nerve- wracking experience.  In the past parents may have surrounded the child with pillows or cushions, or had the child sleep on a mattress on the floor, or even physically restrained the child with arm and leg restraints.  These were the options in 1978 for some friends of Peter Kayser, the creator of the KayserBetten Secure Sleep Systems.  The friend asked Peter if he could make a special bed for his son, Robert, who was suffering from cerebral palsy.  Robert had become completely out of control, becoming a danger to himself, keeping his parents on edge with concern and fear for his safety due to Robert's cerebral palsy.  The KayserBetten team took up the challenge and created a highly durable bed for Robert that was enclosed in high wooden bars and kept Robert safe from major harm to himself, while at the same time giving the caregiver a way to easily remove the bars to tend to Robert.  Both Robert and his parents loved the bed and the whole family was now able to sleep through the entire night, creating a more healthy and happy atmosphere. 

It all started in the 1960s when Peter Kayser, a timber merchant from Germany, had a notion of making solid wood furniture for children.  Most of the children's furniture at that time was made of metal. The warmth, texture, and smoothness of the specially treated wood furniture designed by KayserBetten master carpenters appealed to both parents and children alike.  As the years progressed, so did the innovative, safe, and practical designs of KayserBetten, winning many awards including the prestigious "Most Innovative Product of the Year Award" from the Design Center in Stuttgart, Germany.  Since the late 1970s, KayserBetten has become a world leader in the design and manufacturing of specialty beds that meet every requirement of children with special needs.

The following safety beds are just a few examples of the KayserBetten Secure Sleep System Hospital beds for the home that are offered by Rehabmart.

   From library.rehabmart.com    The IDA I Safety Bed is a fully electrical, motor driven adjustable hospital bed that raises and lowers the height of the bed and the articulating four section sleeping platform with a handheld remote control.  The bed can be raised for the comfort of the caregiver or lowered down to only 12 inches from the floor to allow children with mild restrictions to climb in and out of the bed or into a wheelchair.  This hospital bed can be controlled to articulate the head and/or foot section of the mattress to produce more comfort and safety to the child.  The two long sides of the bed have four 31-inch high doors which can be opened on both sides to allow easy care by one or more caregivers from each side of the bed.  The doors and side panels are a combination of solid wood bars and Plexiglass for good visibility, security, and fresh air circulation.

The included mattress is a Hi-Lo, KR3 with full electric articulation and a 330 pound weight capacity so a parent can lie down with their child to provide added touch and comfort.  Padding is offered for the beds with wooden bars and each side can be padded in accordance with the child's needs.  The padding material is made of Neopolen in a 15-30 mm thickness and the covering is artificial leather protecting against sweat and saliva, and is fixed with a belt to the bed frame.

   From library.rehabmart.com    TheIDA III Youth Safety Bed has much of the same features of the IDA I hospital bed but differs with the omission of an electric handheld control switch.  The sleeping platform is lowered or heightened with a mechanical height adjuster which is operated with a foot pedal.  This eliminates the possibility of an accidental operation by the child, has no energy cost and servicing by electrically qualified persons, and produces no electromagnetic pollution which can be important around other medical machinery. Made with solid natural beech wood, as are the other beds, this bed is ideal for the non-ambulatory child or patient who will be kept safe with the safety rail height staying consistent when the bed is either raised or lowered.

   From library.rehabmart.com    The Hannah Safety Bed is an extremely stable bed to meet any child's medical, physical or behavioral needs.  This bed was designed for those children with restless motor functions or seriously disruptive behaviors and who are physically ambulatory and need a safe environment to both sleep and play.  With the roomy measurement of 39 inches by 79 inches and door height options of 53 inches or 67 inches, this bed can protect almost any active child from harming themself.  This fully electrical adjustable sleeping platform with its handheld control has the same safety and comfort features of the other IDA safety beds.

A child's safety is the number one concern for parents who have fear and anguish over the possibility of a child hurting themself at night during the time when visions of sugar plums should be dancing through his head while dreaming.  Every parent, and household for that matter, needs the safety and comfort against the slings and arrows of medical or psychological misfortunes with the knowledge that their child is secure in their bed at night, and that what was once a fear of midnight harm is now a dream of safety that has come true.

Go here to view the other KayserBetten Secure Sleep System hospital beds offered by Rehabmart.

Bill Stock
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Rehabmart Team Leader & CEO