Springtime is about to come frolicking upon our calendars and that means the kids are ready to hit the playground.  For many towns, cities, and school systems, it may be a good time to start looking to either replace the older, worn out playground equipment, or to purchase brand-new, first time equipment for the new green playground that has just been built and is ready for children of all ages to come to run, jump, and swing to their hearts' content.  And talking about hearts, having kids playing outside is a great way to help the heart of a child to become more healthy and happy.

Rehabmart has a number of playground equipment products that are fun for the whole family.  The following are just a few of the outside, fun-o-rama equipment that will keep the kids coming back for more jumping and running and less texting and video watching.

                                      From library.rehabmart.com                              From library.rehabmart.com  
The Spring Toy and Spring Animal Rides  are the rockin' and rollin' rides that will have kids pretending that they are motorcycle riders, locomotive engineers, a horseback rider, or a rider of turtles and many other animals and rides such as a shark, bird, car, dolphin, crocodile, yacht, airplane, skunk, caterpillar, duck, frog, or panda.  These durable, one-piece cast aluminum Rock-N-Rides are built to endure the most active child and his secret-riding adult parent.  Each unit has an exclusive enclosed rubber spring to prevent accidental, painful pinching while also providing a smooth and controlled ride.

                                      From library.rehabmart.com                           From library.rehabmart.com

From library.rehabmart.com

Usually the number one staple in a playground is a swing set.  Rehabmart offers a variety of different swing sets and the Heavy Duty 8-Foot High Swing Set is one of the pieces of equipment that will stand the test of time and flight of children.  Watch the kids swing away the day with nothing but clouds above and the whooshing ground below.  Help children to think and pretend that they can defy gravity while flying back and forth through the air, groundless and swift, while back at their home time stands still in the dusty corners and blank-screen computers sit alone and untouched in their far-away bedrooms.  This swing set contains an 8-foot high swing set frame with your choice of 2, 4, or 6 swing seats.  Also included are swing hangers, shackles, and choice of colors for the chains and swing seats.
   From library.rehabmart.com
While most children can run up to a swing set and jump into a swing seat, some children are not able to run, jump, and swing...until now.  With the Wheelchair Swing Platform, most any wheelchair sitting child can also experience taking flight up into the clouds of his or her imagination.  The Wheelchair Swing Platform is an ADA-Compliant, non-skid, vinyl-coated steel platform that is specially designed to accommodate juvenile and adult wheelchair riders.  This platform is not only for manual wheelchairs but can also accept heavier motorized wheelchairs.  It also comes with an optional 8 foot pull chain that enables riders to lower the ramp to enter the platform and affords them the ability to propel themselves to swing, and also to lower the ramp and exit on their own without assistance, creating independence for themselves.  Because of the size, heavy-duty sturdiness and weight of the platform, this platform can be locked when not in use for safety reasons and it is recommended to be used with adult supervision only.

While the weather is changing from cold, gray, snowy skies to warmer, blue, sunny skies, housebound children from all over the world are ready to spring out of the house and away from the computer and phone.  Now they can go for a ride on a caterpillar or sail through the sky with the greatest of ease and imagination.

Bill Stock
Executive Editor,
Content & Social Media Services
Hulet Smith, OT
Rehabmart Team Leader & CEO