As the song goes, 'these boots are made for walking and that's what they will do', kind of describes what these boots are made to do...sort of.  These walking boots, or walking cast, are to help the healing process of post-surgical operations or to avoid any further damage or injury to an already injured ankle, or even to be used as a preventive measure so to avoid a possible surgery altogether. So basically a walking boot does what a large, heavy plaster cast does yet allows the wearer to become more mobile.

Most walking boots are generally constructed the same way but with some varying medical differences and styles.  Primarily, according to the level of immobilization or support required by the patient, a walking boot will either be stiff or soft.  The sole of the walking boot can also be different by the job the boot is expected to do.  Some boots will come with a 'rocker sole', much like a working of a rocking chair, which will assist in a walking motion of 'rolling' from heel to toe.  Other walking boots will come with a flat, skip-proof sole that is more useful for standing then walking for a distance or long period. 

Since most people will be wearing a walking boot for weeks or months, some boots will include a removable sleeve that can be machine washed and smelling nicer for the wearer and close family and friends.  Velcro is also mostly used due to the ease and security for the different straps and bindings of the walking boot.

Rehabmart offers a wide range of different walking boots in their Walking Cast category.  The following are but a few examples of the many offered.


The Stabilizer-AnkleSupport walking boot is made of lightweight construction and a contoured strut design ensuring better fit by allowing the boot to conform to the leg.  It also has plastic molded uprights, a shock absorbing insole which helps reduce the heel impact when walking, and spring steel reinforcement for increased durability.  The wide foot bed will help provide an increase in comfort and stability and this low profile boot comes with a rocker bottom to promote a more natural walking gait.


The DeRoyal Tracker EX Walker Ankle Brace Support has a low profile lightweight design and a rocker sole bottom to assist in walking, and a wide foot plate for comfort and stability.  This boot also has a closed heel design to help to prevent heel migration and slipping, and an extra-long wrap to provide a full coverage.


The USA Air Walker - Standard Ankle Support walking boot comes in a low profile design, and fixed, aluminum malleable uprights which allows the frame to conform better to the wearer's leg.  An air pump on the front of the boot adjusts easily to help achieve the desired compression for the medial/lateral air cell system that inflates on both sides equally to accommodate any changes in edema during rehabilitation.  Also comes with anon-skid rocker sole bottom to promote the natural walking gait.


The Anklizer II Pneumatic Low Profile Walker has a pre-inflated pneumatic liner to provide for increased stability while assisting to reduce swelling.  The lightweight design includes metal reinforced upright that are contoured for a strong, anatomical fit at the calf.  The wide footbed, cushioned heel, and rocker bottom will provide comfort and help the wearer to walk more naturally.


The USA ROM Walker - Standard Foot and Ankle Support is a low profile design with a non-skid rocker sole to promote comfort and a more natural walking gait.  This walking boot also provides a protected range-of-motion for post trauma or post-operative procedures.  The ROM settings are between 45' plantar-flexion and 30' dorsi-flexion in 7.5 increments.

Usually wearing a walking boot is temporary but remember that even though it is for short-term, wearing and using a walking boot can put more stress on the body's other limbs and joints.  The rest of the "movement posse" as I like to call them, will be working harder and in different ways.  These include the back, hips and knees, each one directly responsible for bi-pedal movement and when the ankle is immobilized and not carrying it's fair share of the weight, so to speak, the other joints and muscles will have to take up the slack.  So while one part of the body may be healing, other parts may becoming damaged so don't forget to rest often when wearing and using a walking boot. 

Now go ahead and take a walk on the wild side with a boot that is made for walking.

Bill Stock
Executive Editor,
Content & Social Media Services
Hulet Smith, OT
Rehabmart Team Leader & CEO